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Title: Seismic Damage Assessment of RC Structures using Different Hysteretic Models
Authors: IZUNO, Kazuyuki
IEMURA, Hirokazu
YAMADA, Yoshikazu
Issue Date: 29-Jan-1993
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 55
Issue: 1
Start page: 1
End page: 19
Abstract: Estimation of seismic damage of a structure varies depending on the assumed hysteretic rules and input excitations due to indices being calculated from earthquake response time histories. In this study, effects of the different hysteretic models on damage indices were studied. First, the response of RC bridge piers during earthquakes was calculated using different hysteretic models and input motions. Then, seismic damage was evaluated by 1) a damage index based on a linear combination of the maximum deformation ratio and the energy dissipation during cyclic loadings, and 2) damage spectra of damage index, ductility and absorbed hysteretic energy for structures with various natural periods. Results showed that the non-degrading maximum value directed model was accurate enough for seismic damage analysis while the bilinear model underestimated damage because of its linear response to the low intensity cyclic loadings. The maximum value directed model was also needed to predict the damage index from the maximum velocity or the spectral intensity of the input motions.
Appears in Collections:Vol.55 Part 1

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