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タイトル: Two Models for RHEED Specular Spot Intensity Recovery in Laser-triggered Chemical Beam Epitaxy GaP Growth
著者: Vaccaro, Pablo
Hashimoto, Tadao
Yoshimoto, Masahiro
Matsunami, Hiroyuki
発行日: 30-Jul-1993
出版者: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
誌名: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
巻: 55
号: 3
開始ページ: 117
終了ページ: 132
抄録: RHEED specular spot intensity (RSSI) has been observed while growing GaP by laser-triggered chemical beam epitaxy. The intensity decreases after each laser pulse, and then it recovers the original value. We present two models in order to explain the RSSI changes. The first model takes the chemisorption velocity of metalorganics as a limiting factor in RSSI recovery speed. On the other hand, the second model considers the reaction time of gallium with phosphorus as a limiting factor. The second model properly fits the experimental data and it allows a deeper understanding of chemical reactions on GaP surface during chemical beam epitaxial growth.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/281478
出現コレクション:Vol.55 Part 3


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