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Title: A Subspace Identification of δ-Operator State-Space Model
Authors: KATAYAMA, Tohru
WU, Yang
Issue Date: 28-Apr-1995
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 57
Issue: 2
Start page: 73
End page: 91
Abstract: This paper derives a subspace identification algorithm for a δ-operator state-space model by using the methods due to Moonen et al. [11], [12], [21]. Since the δ-operator model converges to a continuous-time model as the sampling interval goes to zero, the algorithm obtained is applicable to the identification of continuous-time medels. A method of computing the state vector from the block Hankel matrix is developed. Simulation studies show the present algorithm provides good results for the case of a low N/S ratio. Improvement of the algorithm for the case of a higher N/S ratio remains to be done.
Appears in Collections:Vol.57 Part 2

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