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Title: Virological characteristics of the SARS-CoV-2 XBB variant derived from recombination of two Omicron subvariants
Authors: Tamura, Tomokazu
Ito, Jumpei
Uriu, Keiya
Zahradnik, Jiri
Kida, Izumi
Anraku, Yuki
Nasser, Hesham
Shofa, Maya
Oda, Yoshitaka
Lytras, Spyros
Nao, Naganori
Itakura, Yukari
Deguchi, Sayaka
Suzuki, Rigel
Wang, Lei
Begum, MST Monira
Kita, Shunsuke
Yajima, Hisano
Sasaki, Jiei
Sasaki-Tabata, Kaori
Shimizu, Ryo
Tsuda, Masumi
Kosugi, Yusuke
Fujita, Shigeru
Pan, Lin
Sauter, Daniel
Yoshimatsu, Kumiko
Suzuki, Saori
Asakura, Hiroyuki
Nagashima, Mami
Sadamasu, Kenji
Yoshimura, Kazuhisa
Yamamoto, Yuki
Nagamoto, Tetsuharu
Schreiber, Gideon
Maenaka, Katsumi
The Genotype to Phenotype Japan (G2P-Japan)
Hashiguchi, Takao  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid (unconfirmed)
Ikeda, Terumasa
Fukuhara, Takasuke
Saito, Akatsuki
Tanaka, Shinya
Matsuno, Keita
Takayama, Kazuo  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid (unconfirmed)
Sato, Kei
Author's alias: 田村, 友和
伊東, 潤平
瓜生, 慧也
紀田, 泉
安楽, 佑樹
小田, 義崇
直, 亨則
板倉, 友香里
出口, 清香
鈴木, 理滋
王, 磊
喜多, 俊介
矢島, 久乃
佐々木, 慈英
田畑, 香織
清水, 凌
津田, 真寿美
小杉, 優介
藤田, 滋
潘, 琳
吉松, 組子
鈴木, 紗織
浅倉, 弘幸
長島, 真美
貞升, 健志
吉村, 和久
山本, 佑樹
永元, 哲治
前仲, 勝実
橋口, 隆生
池田, 輝政
福原, 崇介
齊藤, 暁
田中, 伸哉
松野, 啓太
高山, 和雄
佐藤, 佳
Keywords: SARS-CoV-2
Viral evolution
Virus–host interactions
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Springer Nature
Journal title: Nature Communications
Volume: 14
Thesis number: 2800
Abstract: In late 2022, SARS-CoV-2 Omicron subvariants have become highly diversified, and XBB is spreading rapidly around the world. Our phylogenetic analyses suggested that XBB emerged through the recombination of two cocirculating BA.2 lineages, BJ.1 and BM.1.1.1 (a progeny of BA.2.75), during the summer of 2022. XBB.1 is the variant most profoundly resistant to BA.2/5 breakthrough infection sera to date and is more fusogenic than BA.2.75. The recombination breakpoint is located in the receptor-binding domain of spike, and each region of the recombinant spike confers immune evasion and increases fusogenicity. We further provide the structural basis for the interaction between XBB.1 spike and human ACE2. Finally, the intrinsic pathogenicity of XBB.1 in male hamsters is comparable to or even lower than that of BA.2.75. Our multiscale investigation provides evidence suggesting that XBB is the first observed SARS-CoV-2 variant to increase its fitness through recombination rather than substitutions.
Description: オミクロンXBB株の進化経路とウイルス学的特性の解明 --遺伝子組換えによる更なる免疫逃避能力の獲得--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-05-22.
Rights: © The Author(s) 2023
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DOI(Published Version): 10.1038/s41467-023-38435-3
PubMed ID: 37193706
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