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タイトル: 6. Life Science and Medical Science
発行日: Jul-2023
出版者: Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University
誌名: KURNS Progress Report
巻: 2022
開始ページ: 146
終了ページ: 178
目次: CO6-1 Radioresistance Mechanisms Acquired by Adaptive Evolution and their Evolutionary Mechanisms III/ T. Saito (R4004) [146]
CO6-2 Integrated approach for structural analysis of a biomacromolecule in a polydispersed solution using analytical ultracentrifugation and small-angle X-ray scattering/ K. Morishima et al. (R4010) [147]
CO6-3 Mutational and environmental effects on the dynamic conformational distributions of Lys48- linked di-ubiquitin chains/ K. Kato et al. (R4012) [148]
CO6-4 Evaluation of BPA-Uridine conjugates as Smart Drugs for BNCT/ K. Tanabe et al. (R4022) [149]
CO6-5 BPA derivative bearing Hoechst unit for BNCT/ K. Tanabe et al. (R4025) [150]
CO6-6 Elucidating the Molecular Basis for the Increased Risk of Nuclear Cataract Development with Global Warming/ N. Yamamoto and T. Takata (R4039) [151]
CO6-7 Elucidation of the effects of dose rate of radiation on normal and tumor tissues/ T. Watanabe et al. (R4041) [152]
CO6-8 Asp racemization/isomerization in shedding products of cell adhesion molecule 1 is potentially involved in the neurodegeneration induced by elevated pressure/ A. Yoneshige et al. (R4049) [153]
CO6-9 SAXS analysis for elucidating the inhibitory mechanism of the amyloid precursor of insulin B-chain through the interaction with αB-crystallin/ Y. Kokuo et al. (R4057) [154]
CO6-10 Detection of the LIM Kinase 1 and Fam81a multimeric complex/ T. Saneyoshi et al. (R4058) [155]
CO6-11 Structural Analysis of Ceramide Transport Protein (CERT)/ S. Morita et al. (R4063) [156]
CO6-12 Small-angle X-ray Scattering toward Understanding Chromosomal Modulation by Topoisomerases/ M. Shimizu et al. (R4072) [157]
CO6-13 Character of DNA damage induced by nuclear palnt neutron beams/ H. Terato et al. (R4073) [158]
CO6-14 Distribution analysis of the chemical modification of the amino acid residues in mice lens structural proteins during age-related cataract/ S. Matsushita et al. (R4074) [159]
CO6-15 Neutron activation of medicines for development of new imaging methodology/ A. Toyoshima et al. (R4076) [160]
CO6-16 Polyglycerol Functionalized ¹⁰B Enriched Boron Carbide Nanoparticle as an Effective Bimodal Anticancer Nanosensitizer for Boron Neutron Capture and Photothermal Therapies/ Y. Wang et al. (R4079) [161]
CO6-17 Solution structure of intrinscially disordered protein/ R. Inoue et al. (R4081) [162]
CO6-18 Oligomeric structure and interaction sites of Dpcd involved in actin bundle network formation/ H. Koeda et al. (R4083) [163]
CO6-19 Analysis of dinamic structure of intrinsically disordered protein/ T. Oda et al. (R4084) [164]
CO6-20 Interaction between Mint3 and FIH-1 involved in hypoxia stress responses/ R. Maeda et al. (R4105) [165]
CO6-21 Analysis of novel p53-DBD aggregate for the development of anti-cancer drug/ E. Hibino et al. (R4109) [166]
CO6-22 Analysis of the GATA3-nucleosome complex in solution/ H. Tanaka et al. (R4110) [167]
CO6-23 Measurement of the resistance of the spores of Bacillus subtilis natto to gamma radiation/ T. Chatake et al. (R4113) [168]
CO6-24 Analysis of water-soluble vitamin K complex from Bacillus subtilis natto/ T. Chatake et al. (R4114) [169]
CO6-25 Preliminaly Study for The Development of New Treatment Method for Myxofibrosarcoma with BNCT/ T. Fujimoto et al. (R4119) [170]
CO6-26 Development of Boron Cluster-Loaded Nanoparticles for BNCT/ A. B. Fithroni et al. (R4123) [171]
CO6-27 C9orf72-derived PR poly-dipeptides bind Kapβ2: discovery of secondary binding sites/ E. Mori et al. (R4129) [172]
CO6-28 ¹¹C Medical-isotope Production via ¹²C(γ, n)¹¹C Reaction with Carbon Nanotubes/ N. Takahashi et al. (R4130) [173]
CO6-29 Molecular dynamics analysis of oxidative folding enzyme ER-60 with solution scattering measurement/ A. Okuda et al. (R4140) [174]
CO6-30 The regulation of the Kai proteins interaction by the KaiC hexamers that can adoptvarious kinds of phosphorylation states/ Y. Yunoki et al. (R4143) [175]
CO6-31 Small-angle scattering analysis of wheat protein glutenin/ N. Sato (R4154) [176]
CO6-32 Design, Synthesis, and BNCT Effect of Macrocyclic Polyamine-type Boron Carriers for BNCT/ S. Aoki et al. (R4180) [177]
CO6-33 Radiolabeling of composite natural material chicken eggshell membrane via neutron irradiation ⁶Li(n, α) ³H reaction/ M. Shimizu et al. (R4193) [178]
記述: In case that corrections are made, overwrite the modified version in the following web page: https://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/PUB/report/PR/ProgRep2022/ProgRep2022.html
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/284551
関連リンク: https://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/PUB/report/PR/ProgRep2022/ProgRep2022.html


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