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KURNS_PR2022_224.pdf1.38 MBAdobe PDF見る/開く
タイトル: 9. TRU and Nuclear Chemistry
発行日: Jul-2023
出版者: Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University
誌名: KURNS Progress Report
巻: 2022
開始ページ: 224
終了ページ: 228
目次: CO9-1 Extraction chromatography and solvent extraction of Eu using TEHDGA/ K. Otsu et al. (R4015) [224]
CO9-2 Electrochemical Behavior of U in NaCl-CaCl₂ Melt at 823 K/ T. Murakami et al. (R4048) [225]
CO9-3 Solid phase analysis of (Zr, Ce)O₂ solid solutions in aqueous systems/ T. Kobayashi et al. (R4065) [226]
CO9-4 Solid-liquid extraction and precipitation experiments of ⁴⁷Ca for the chemical study of nobelium/ Y. Kasamatsu et al. (R4126) [227]
CO9-5 Stability of Cyclic Monoamide Extractants for U(VI) with Longer Side Chains agains γ-Ray Irradiation in HNO₃/ H. Kita et al. (R4157) [228]
記述: In case that corrections are made, overwrite the modified version in the following web page: https://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/PUB/report/PR/ProgRep2022/ProgRep2022.html
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/284554
関連リンク: https://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/PUB/report/PR/ProgRep2022/ProgRep2022.html


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