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Title: Linear Relationship between Temperature and the Apparent Reaction Rate Constant of Hydroxyl Radical with 4-chlorobenzoic Acid
Authors: Kawaguchi, Kohei  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid (unconfirmed)
Hidaka, Taira  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid (unconfirmed)
Nishimura, Fumitake
Author's alias: 川口, 康平
日髙, 平
西村, 文武
Keywords: Ozone
advanced oxidation process
competitive method
Arrhenius equation
Rct value
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Journal title: Ozone: Science & Engineering
Volume: 44
Issue: 3
Start page: 274
End page: 280
Abstract: 4-Chlorobenzoic acid (p-CBA) is frequently used as a hydroxyl radical (HO·) probe substance in studies of ozonation and advanced oxidation processes. However, the temperature dependence of the reaction between HO· and p-CBA remains unclear. In this context, we identified the relationship between temperature ((Formula presented.), K) and the apparent second-order reaction rate constant of HO· with p- CBA (kHO⋅, p−CBA(T) , M⁻¹ s⁻¹): 10¹⁰. They were measured by a novel competitive method using 2-methylpropan-2-ol (tert-butyl alcohol) as a reference substance in the range of 1.0–40.0℃. The linear regression equation was more appropriate than the exponential regression equation to express this relationship. More generally, our simulation shows that the linear regression equation can be more accurate than the exponential regression equation to express the relationship between temperature and apparent reaction rate constants of HO.
Rights: This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in [Ozone: Science & Engineering] on 26 Jan 2022, available at:
The full-text file will be made open to the public on 26 Jan 2023 in accordance with publisher's 'Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving'.
This is not the published version. Please cite only the published version. この論文は出版社版でありません。引用の際には出版社版をご確認ご利用ください。
DOI(Published Version): 10.1080/01919512.2021.2006561
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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