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タイトル: Peer Effects in Landowner Participation: Evidence from a Forest Incentive Program
著者: Shimada, Hideki
Mitani, Yohei
キーワード: social interactions
rational expectation equilibrium
local communities
private land conservation
発行日: 17-May-2024
出版者: Division of Natural Resource Economics, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
誌名: NRE-DP: Natural Resource Economics Discussion Papers
巻: 2023-02
開始ページ: 0
終了ページ: 39
抄録: Identifying landowners' social interactions helps garner a better understanding of non-pecuniary incentives in their participation decision in an incentive-based program for conserving private lands. However, little is known in the literature about such peer effects among neighboring landowners. This study uses contract data from a forest incentive program implemented in a Japanese mountainous area with over 200 small local communities to estimate peer effects on individual participation. We identify peer effects using a binary choice model with social interactions, in which landowners are assumed to form heterogeneous expectations of community members' participation. The results reveal that their peers' participation significantly increases the likelihood of individual participation, suggesting peer effects are relevant for conservation policy design. Using the results, we demonstrate how including peer effects in the analysis improves policy predictions in estimating the impact of interventions and understanding the spatial configuration of participating land.
記述: Natural Resource Economics Discussion Papers are preliminary research reports by members of the GSA-NRE Kyoto University circulated for comments and suggestions. They have not been externally peer-reviewed or been subject to the review by the editorial board.
NRE DP 2023-02の改訂版が発行に伴い、ファイルを差し替え(2024-05-22)
著作権等: All rights are reserved by the authors.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/285520
関連リンク: https://www.reseco.kais.kyoto-u.ac.jp/introduction/archivements/


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