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タイトル: Biuret toxicity induces accumulation of nitrogen-rich compounds in rice plants
著者: Ochiai, Kumiko
Nomura, Yosuke
Uesugi, Asuka
Matoh, Toru
著者名の別形: 落合, 久美子
野村, 洋介
上杉, 明日香
間藤, 徹
キーワード: Allantoin
発行日: Apr-2023
出版者: Springer Nature
誌名: Plant and Soil
巻: 485
号: 1-2
開始ページ: 615
終了ページ: 628
抄録: [Aims] Excess biuret, a common impurity in urea fertilizers, is toxic to plants. Little is known about the mechanisms of biuret toxicity in plants. This study aimed to investigate the accumulation of biuret and the changes in metabolites in rice (Oryza sativa) plants under biuret toxicity. [Methods] A previous study had shown that transgenic rice plants overexpressing bacterial biuret hydrolase had improved biuret tolerance. Here, we grew wild-type and bacterial biuret hydrolase-overexpressing rice plants in hydroponics at different biuret levels. Concentrations of biuret and allantoin, a nitrogenous intermediate in the purine degradation pathway, in the plants were determined. The expression levels of genes related to purine degradation and ureide metabolisms were analyzed using wild-type plants. Additionally, we performed a metabolome analysis using rice suspension cells. [Results] The biuret hydrolase-overexpressing plants did not contain biuret, whereas wild-type plants accumulated biuret in shoots in the order of mmol L−1 tissue water. The concentration of allantoin in shoots of wild-type plants under biuret toxicity was higher than those in control conditions. Inhibition of allantoinase activity by biuret was not detected, and allantoin accumulation appeared to be associated with changes in the expression of allantoinase, allantoate amidohydrolase and putative allantoin transporter genes. Furthermore, another nitrogenous compound citrulline, which is a non-protein amino acid, accumulated in rice suspension cells under biuret toxicity. [Conclusion] The accumulation of these compounds suggests that rice plants subjected to biuret toxicity need to reduce the concentration of surplus ammonium ions via synthesizing nitrogen-rich compounds.
記述: A view-only version is available through the SharedIt link【https://rdcu.be/c2qsi】
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URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/285537
DOI(出版社版): 10.1007/s11104-022-05857-9
関連リンク: https://rdcu.be/c2qsi


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