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タイトル: BpCYP76AD15 is involved in betaxanthin biosynthesis in bougainvillea callus
著者: Ohno, Sho  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0810-0327 (unconfirmed)
Kokado, Rika
Makishima, Rikako
Doi, Motoaki
著者名の別形: 大野, 翔
古角, 里佳
槙嶋, 理華子
土井, 元章
キーワード: Betalain
Yellow pigment
発行日: Aug-2023
出版者: Springer Nature
誌名: Planta
巻: 258
号: 2
論文番号: 47
抄録: Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea peruviana) is a climbing tropical ornamental tree belonging to Nyctaginaceae. Pigments that are conferring colorful bracts in bougainvillea are betalains, and that conferring yellow color are betaxanthins. In general, for red-to-purple betacyanin biosynthesis, α clade CYP76AD that has tyrosine hydroxylase and DOPA oxygenase activity is required, while for betaxanthin biosynthesis, β clade CYP76AD that has only tyrosine hydroxylase is required. To date, betaxanthin biosynthesis pathway genes have not been identified yet in bougainvillea. Since bougainvillea is phylogenetically close to four-O-clock (Mirabilis jalapa), and it was reported that β clade CYP76AD, MjCYP76AD15, is involved in floral betaxanthin biosynthesis in four-O-clock. Thus, we hypothesized that orthologous gene of MjCYP76AD15 in bougainvillea might be involved in bract betaxanthin biosynthesis. To test the hypothesis, we attempted to identify β clade CYP76AD gene from yellow bracts by RNA-seq; however, we could not. Instead, we found that callus accumulated betaxanthin and that β clade CYP76AD gene, BpCYP76AD15, were expressed in callus. We validated BpCYP76AD15 function by transgenic approach (agro-infiltration and over-expression in transgenic tobacco), and it was suggested that BpCYP76AD15 is involved in betaxanthin biosynthesis in callus, but not in bracts in bougainvillea. Interestingly, our data also indicate the existence of two pathways for betaxanthin biosynthesis (β clade CYP76AD-dependent and -independent), and the latter pathway is important for betaxanthin biosynthesis in bougainvillea bracts.
著作権等: This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review (when applicable) and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00425-023-04202-3
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URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/285772
DOI(出版社版): 10.1007/s00425-023-04202-3
PubMed ID: 37474871


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