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タイトル: A small molecule iCDM-34 identified by in silico screening suppresses HBV DNA through activation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor
著者: Furutani, Yutaka
Hirano, Yoshinori
Toguchi, Mariko
Higuchi, Shoko
Qin, Xian-Yang
Yanaka, Kaori
Sato-Shiozaki, Yumi
Takahashi, Nobuaki
Sakai, Marina
Kongpracha, Pornparn
Suzuki, Takehiro
Dohmae, Naoshi
Kukimoto-Niino, Mutsuko
Shirouzu, Mikako
Nagamori, Shushi
Suzuki, Harukazu
Kobayashi, Kaoru
Masaki, Takahiro
Koyama, Hiroo
Sekiba, Kazuma
Otsuka, Motoyuki
Koike, Kazuhiko
Kohara, Michinori
Kojima, Soichi
Kakeya, Hideaki  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4293-7331 (unconfirmed)
Matsuura, Tomokazu
著者名の別形: 古谷, 裕
平野, 秀典
戸口, 真理子
樋口, 祥子
秦, 咸陽
屋中, 香織
佐藤(汐﨑), 裕美
髙橋, 伸明
酒井, 麻利奈
鈴木, 健裕
堂前, 直
柊元(新野), 睦子
白水, 美香子
永森, 收志
鈴木, 治和
小林, カオル
政木, 隆博
小山, 裕雄
關場, 一磨
大塚, 基之
小池, 和彦
小原, 道法
小嶋, 聡一
掛谷, 秀昭
松浦, 知和
キーワード: Screening
Small molecules
Target identification
発行日: 22-Dec-2023
出版者: Springer Nature
誌名: Cell Death Discovery
巻: 9
論文番号: 216
抄録: IFN-alpha have been reported to suppress hepatitis B virus (HBV) cccDNA via APOBEC3 cytidine deaminase activity through interferon signaling. To develop a novel anti-HBV drug for a functional cure, we performed in silico screening of the binding compounds fitting the steric structure of the IFN-alpha-binding pocket in IFNAR2. We identified 37 compounds and named them in silico cccDNA modulator (iCDM)-1–37. We found that iCDM-34, a new small molecule with a pyrazole moiety, showed anti-HCV and anti-HBV activities. We measured the anti-HBV activity of iCDM-34 dependent on or independent of entecavir (ETV). iCDM-34 suppressed HBV DNA, pgRNA, HBsAg, and HBeAg, and also clearly exhibited additive inhibitory effects on the suppression of HBV DNA with ETV. We confirmed metabolic stability of iCDM-34 was stable in human liver microsomal fraction. Furthermore, anti-HBV activity in human hepatocyte-chimeric mice revealed that iCDM-34 was not effective as a single reagent, but when combined with ETV, it suppressed HBV DNA compared to ETV alone. Phosphoproteome and Western blotting analysis showed that iCDM-34 did not activate IFN-signaling. The transcriptome analysis of interferon-stimulated genes revealed no increase in expression, whereas downstream factors of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) showed increased levels of the expression. CDK1/2 and phospho-SAMHD1 levels decreased under iCDM-34 treatment. In addition, AhR knockdown inhibited anti-HCV activity of iCDM-34 in HCV replicon cells. These results suggest that iCDM-34 decreases the phosphorylation of SAMHD1 through CDK1/2, and suppresses HCV replicon RNA, HBV DNA, and pgRNA formation.
記述: B型肝炎の完治が見込まれる新たな抗ウイルス薬の候補を発見 --新規の化合物iCDM-34がウイルスゲノムの合成を抑制--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-12-22.
著作権等: © The Author(s) 2023
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URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/286483
DOI(出版社版): 10.1038/s41420-023-01755-w
PubMed ID: 38135680
関連リンク: https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/research-news/2023-12-22-0


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