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dc.contributor.author酒井, 浩二ja
dc.contributor.author高野, 拓樹ja
dc.contributor.author宮原, 佑貴子ja
dc.contributor.author金治, 宏ja
dc.contributor.author谷本, 寛文ja
dc.contributor.author呉, 鴻ja
dc.contributor.author高見, 茂ja
dc.contributor.alternativeSAKAI, Kojien
dc.contributor.alternativeTAKANO, Hirokien
dc.contributor.alternativeMIYAHARA, Yukikoen
dc.contributor.alternativeKANAJI, Hiroshien
dc.contributor.alternativeTANIMOTO, Hirofumien
dc.contributor.alternativeGO, Kouen
dc.contributor.alternativeTAKAMI, Shigeruen
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to visualize the physical and mental health condition and problems of middle-aged and elderly people participating in salons and Bon dances in the Keihoku Region through a questionnaire survey. The Keihoku Region has a population of 3, 556 people aged 40 and over, and the sample data of 88 people with an average age of 75.6 (41 to 93) was obtained from the participants from salons, etc. (sampling rate 2.5%). The results show that the percentage of people who lead a healthy lifestyle such as eating, chewing, sleeping, not smoking, abstaining from alcohol, and exercising was high. Twenty (23.8%) lived alone, and all lived by preparing their own meals. As problems in daily life, the response rate of “transportation” and “shopping” was high. In terms of transportation, the study considered there were challenges in popularizing the means of transportation other than buses and private cars, and for shopping, moving the mobile sales vehicles to a wider area. In addition to the results of this survey, it is necessary to survey the middle-aged and elderly people who do not participate in community activities such as salons, and to grasp the health condition of all residents in the Keihoku Region.en
dc.publisher.alternativeCenter for the Promotion of Interdisciplinary Education and Research, Education and Research Unit for Regional Alliances, Kyoto Universityen
dc.title.alternative<Article>Research on the Health Condition and Problems of Middle-Aged and Elderly People Interacting with the Community in the Keihoku Regionen
dc.typedepartmental bulletin paper-
dc.type.niitypeDepartmental Bulletin Paper-
dc.address京都光華女子大学キャリア形成学部 教授ja
dc.address京都光華女子大学キャリア形成学部 教授/学部長ja
dc.address京都光華女子大学キャリア形成学部 講師ja
dc.address京都光華女子大学キャリア形成学部 准教授/学科長ja
dc.address京都光華女子大学こども教育学部 教授/副学長ja
dc.address京都光華女子大学キャリア形成学部 講師ja
dc.address京都光華女子大学・短期大学部 学長ja
dcterms.accessRightsopen access-
dc.identifier.jtitle-alternativeJournal of Education and Research for Regional Alliancesen
Appears in Collections:第9号

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