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Title: <研究ノート>「テーマ」をベースに英語使用タスクと言語練習活動を組み合わせる自作単元作成方法
Other Titles: <Notes>How to Create Original English Teaching Units Integrating Appropriate Tasks and Language Practice Activities based on a “Theme”
Authors: 湯川, 笑子  KAKEN_name
Author's alias: YUKAWA, Emiko
Issue Date: 19-Mar-2024
Publisher: 京都大学学際融合教育研究推進センター地域連携教育研究推進ユニット
Journal title: 地域連携教育研究
Volume: 9
Start page: 83
End page: 89
Abstract: For English teachers who need to create their units because, for example, they need to fill more class time than usual, this manual presents a method consisting of “five steps plus other points to keep in mind.” It explains the pitfalls that teachers may easily fall into which I noticed while I guided them. The steps are: [Step 1] Select an integrated theme for a unit; [Step 2] Select sub-themes which are central to the theme; [Step 3] Collect or create teaching materials such as texts, photos, and videos; [Step 4] Set tasks and activities for “reception, ” “production, ” “interaction, ” and “mediation”; [Step 5] Create language drill exercises appropriate for the words, phrases, and structures, dividing them into those fit for the students receptive ability and those fit for the productive ability. In addition to these five steps, it is essential to note that the assessment plan should be made so that it can be implemented at the appropriate time in the unit. These five steps are not completed chronologically but rather through interaction with, and modification of, other steps. Finally, the points that were noticed and corrected in advance in each of the five steps, as well as issues that were pointed out after watching a completed class and were utilized in the following class, will be summarized. It is hoped that this “manual” will help teachers who need to create such a unit.
DOI: 10.14989/JERRA_9_83
Appears in Collections:第9号

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