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タイトル: Intraspecific divergence in a coastal plant, Euphorbia jolkinii, at a major biogeographic boundary in East Asia
著者: Iwata, Hiroyuki
Ito, Takuro
Park, Jong‐Soo
Kokubugata, Goro
Kakezawa, Akihiro
Kurosawa, Takahide
Nishimura, Akihiro
Noda, Hiroshi
Takayama, Koji  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5209-6396 (unconfirmed)
著者名の別形: 岩⽥, 寛之
伊東, 拓朗
國府方 吾郎
⿊沢, ⾼秀
西村, 明洋
野田, 博士
髙⼭, 浩司
キーワード: climatic change
coastal plants
Kerama Gap
ocean currents
seed dispersal
Tokara Gap
発行日: May-2024
出版者: Wiley
誌名: American Journal of Botany
巻: 111
号: 5
論文番号: e16327
抄録: Premise: Quaternary climatic fluctuations and long-distance seed dispersal across the sea are critical factors affecting the distribution of coastal plants, but the spatiotemporal nature of population expansion and distribution change of East Asian coastal plants during this period are rarely examined. To explore this process, we investigated the genome-wide phylogenetic patterns of Euphorbia jolkinii Boiss. (Euphorbiaceae), which grows widely on littoral areas of Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. Methods: We used plastome sequences and genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms in samples across the species range to reveal phylogeographic patterns and spatiotemporal distributional changes. We conducted ecological niche modeling for the present and the last glacial maximum (LGM). Results: Genetic differentiation was observed between the northern and southern populations of E. jolkinii, separated by the major biogeographic boundary, the Tokara Gap. These two groups of populations differentiated during the glacial period and subsequently intermingled in the intermorainic areas of the central Ryukyu Islands after the LGM. Ecological niche models suggested that the potential range of E. jolkinii was restricted to southern Kyushu; however, it was widespread in the southern Ryukyu Islands and Taiwan during the LGM. Conclusions: This study provides evidence of genetic differentiation among coastal plant populations separated by the prominent biogeographical boundary. Although coastal plants are typically expected to maintain population connectivity through sea-drifted seed dispersal, our findings suggest that genetic differences may arise because of a combination of limited gene flow and changes in climate during the glacial period.
記述: 海岸植物の分布変遷と海による地理的隔離--イワタイゲキのゲノム系統地理--.京都大学プレスリリース. 2024-05-10.
著作権等: © 2024 The Authors.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/289101
DOI(出版社版): 10.1002/ajb2.16327
PubMed ID: 38725176
関連リンク: https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/research-news/2024-05-10-5


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