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タイトル: Directional categories in Kathmandu Newar
著者: KIRYU, Kazuyuki
著者名の別形: 桐生, 和幸
キーワード: Kathmandu Newar
directional adverbs
directional prefixes
verb-verb complex
deictic motion verbs
発行日: 28-Feb-2022
出版者: Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
誌名: Grammatical Phenomena of Sino-Tibetan Languages 3: Function of Directional Prefixes
開始ページ: 211
終了ページ: 236
抄録: Kathmandu Newar has directional morphemes that are used as prefixes to form compound verbs and adverbs (Hargreaves 2004). They can be classified into three categories in terms of types of spatial orientation: (1) location of/direction toward spatially demarcated areas (du ‘in’ and pi ‘out’), (2) horizontal attitudes (li ‘back’ and nhya ‘front’), and (3) vertical attitudes (kwa ‘down, ’ tha ‘up, ’ de ‘on top, ’ and cwa ‘above’). There are no deictic directional prefixes in this language. Although some other Tibeto-Burman languages have directional affixes that also mark aspect and modality on or in verbs, such as the Qiangic languages, the Kuki-Chin languages, and Jingpaw, the directional prefixes of Kathmandu Newar are still at the lexical stage and indicate only directions. The use of directional prefixes on verbs is also not productive, and direction/location adverbs formed with them are more productively used to indicate directions of verbs instead. Aspect and modality senses are, in turn, expressed by directed motion verbs (wane ‘to go, ’ waye ‘to come, ’ chwaye ‘to send, ’ and haye ‘to bring’). They appear in the second slot of the Verb-Verb complex as auxiliary verbs in this language. In Kathmandu Newar, direction and grammaticalized senses based on direction are more widely expressed by syntactic means rather than morphological derivation.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/289119
出現コレクション:3 : 方向接辞の機能


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