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タイトル: Grammatical Phenomena of Sino-Tibetan Languages 3: Function of Directional Prefixes
その他のタイトル: シナ=チベット系諸言語の文法現象3: 方向接辞の機能
発行日: 28-Feb-2022
出版者: Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 259
目次: Preface/ Editors [i]
Contents/ [vii]
Directional Prefixes in Tangut and Mu-nya: A Contrastive Study/ ARAKAWA Shintaro and IKEDA Takumi [1]
Directional prefixes in Tangut --Outline, types, and some remarks--/ ARAKAWA Shintaro [15]
Verb Prefixes in the Tangut (Xixia) Tiansheng Code: Verbs for ‘Send Document’ and Their Prefixes/ SATO Takayasu [55]
Directional Prefixes in Mu-nya/ IKEDA Takumi [69]
Functional development of directional prefixes in nDrapa and rGyalrong/ SHIRAI Satoko and NAGANO Yasuhiko [81]
Connections of directional prefixes and verb stems in nDrapa/ SHIRAI Satoko [97]
Directives in rGyalrong Bola dialect/ NAGANO Yasuhiko [111]
Indefinite direction and associated motion prefixes in the Brag-bar dialect of Situ Rgyalrong/ ZHANG Shuya [125]
Directional prefixes in Wobzi Khroskyabs/ LAI Yunfan [153]
The cis- and translocative suffixes in Jinghpaw/ KURABE Keita [173]
Directional Prefixes in Tiddim Chin/ OTSUKA Kosei [197]
Directional categories in Kathmandu Newar/ KIRYU Kazuyuki [211]
<Appendix I>Directional verb affixes found in Tibeto-Burman languages in China/ NISHI Yoshio [237]
<Appendix II>MAP The Geographical Distribution of Tibeto-Burman Languages Addressed in this Volume [259]
記述: ARAKAWA Shintaro and Ikeda Takumi (eds.)
This volume presents part of the results* of the research project: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) from the Japan Society of the Promotion of Sciences in 2016–2018: Aspects of Tibeto-Burman Languages through Analysis of Directional Prefixes.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/289122
出現コレクション:3 : 方向接辞の機能


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