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タイトル: Functional development of directional prefixes in nDrapa and rGyalrong
著者: SHIRAI, Satoko
NAGANO, Yasuhiko
著者名の別形: 白井, 聡子
長野, 泰彦
キーワード: nDrapa
directional prefix
発行日: 28-Feb-2022
出版者: Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
誌名: Grammatical Phenomena of Sino-Tibetan Languages 3: Function of Directional Prefixes
開始ページ: 81
終了ページ: 96
抄録: This study examines the functional development of directional prefixes in two varieties of Qiangic languages of the Tibeto-Burman subfamily: Mätro nDrapa and Bola Eastern rGyalrong (Situ). While the directional prefixes of both languages primarily function as directive markers, they are further grammaticalized to more abstract functions. First, we will examine the morphological characteristics of both languages' directional prefixes. Second, we will examine their functions. Both languages show two dimensions of functional development: [1] semantic expansion of each directional marker and [2] semantic abstraction of the entire set of directional markers. Both languages show a significant contrast in the second dimension of grammaticalization: The obligatory marking of the simple past is only found in rGyalrong, whereas the clear marking of telicity is only found in nDrapa, although both languages' directional prefixes have functions of imperatives, changes of state, and perfectives. Based on these facts and using an aspectual notion of transition, we propose a hypothesis for the stages of functional abstraction occurring in the process of grammaticalization: [I] directional prefixes that indicate a transition between places, that is, direction of motion; [II] directional prefixes that indicate a certain part of aspectual/modal transitions such as the imperative, a change of state, and the perfective; [III] directional prefixes that indicate telicity, that is, a more general aspectual transition. The change from the perfective to the past may occur in each language in Stage II. According to this scale, nDrapa is in Stage III, even though the function of indicating the past is not fully developed, while rGyalrong is in Stage II.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/289123
出現コレクション:3 : 方向接辞の機能


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