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Vol. 3 No. 6   14

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静脩 Vol. 3 No. 6 (1967.2) [全文]
  静脩, 3(6)
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  堀江, 保蔵 (1967-02)
  静脩, 3(6): 1-1
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  藤田, 久一 (1967-02)
  静脩, 3(6): 2-2
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  静脩, 3(6): 3-3
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ヨーロッパの大学図書館 - 講演 -
  静脩, 3(6): 4-4
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医学図書館のContents Service
  静脩, 3(6): 4-4
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本学雑誌目録出来る - 京都大学学術雑誌総合目録:人文科学欧文篇
  静脩, 3(6): 5-5
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資料紹介:U.S.Library of Congress: A catalog of books represented by Library of Congress printed cards, issued to July 31, 1942. 167 v. 1942 - 46
  静脩, 3(6): 5-5
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資料紹介:U.S.Library of Congress: Supplement; ・・・ cards issued Aug. 1, 1042 - Dec. 31, 1947. 42 v. 1960
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資料紹介:U.S.Library of Congress: Author catalog; a cumulative list of works represented by Library of Congress printed cards, 1948 - 1952. 24 v. 1960
  静脩, 3(6): 5-5
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資料紹介:U.S.Library of Congress: The national union catalog; a cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries, 1953 - 1957. 28 v. 1961
  静脩, 3(6): 5-5
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資料紹介:U.S.Library of Congress: The national union catalog; a cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries, 1958 - 1962. 54 v. 1963
  静脩, 3(6): 5-5
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  静脩, 3(6): 6-6
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  静脩, 3(6): 6-6
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List Of Items (Sorted by table of contents in Ascending order): 1 to 14 of 14