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静脩 Vol. 15 No. 5 (1979.1) [全文]
  静脩, 15(5)
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  倉橋, 英逸 (1979-01)
  静脩, 15(5): 1-3
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  谷口, 寛一郎 (1979-01)
  静脩, 15(5): 3-5
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図書室めぐり 原子炉実験所図書室
  静脩, 15(5): 5-6
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  静脩, 15(5): 6-6
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資料照会:Biblio;Catalogue des ouvrages parus en langue Francaise dans le Monde entier,1934 - 1970. Paris, M. Hachette, 1935-1971
  静脩, 15(5): 7-7
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資料紹介:Book in print 1977/78. Bowker. 4vols.
  静脩, 15(5): 7-7
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資料紹介:Social science and humanities index,vol.19 - 27. N.Y. Wilson, 1965-1974
  静脩, 15(5): 7-7
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資料紹介:Biographie universelle (Michaud)ancienne et moderne. Nouv ed. Vol.1 - 45. Paris, C. Desplaces, 1843-1965
  静脩, 15(5): 7-7
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資料紹介:American men and women of science:Pysical and biological sciences. 13 ed. 1978. Bowker, 7vols.
  静脩, 15(5): 7-7
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ブリンストン大学出版部寄託図書目録 第22・23回(1975・1976)
  静脩, 15(5): 8-8
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List Of Items (Sorted by table of contents in Ascending order): 1 to 11 of 11