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タイトル: Manufacturer-supplier relationships in Japan and the concept of relation-specific skill
著者: Asanuma, Banri
発行日: Feb-1988
出版者: 京都大学経済学部
引用: Asanuma, Banri. "Manufacturer-supplier relationships in Japan and the concept of relation-specific skill". [京都大学経済学部] Working Paper. 京都大学経済学部, 1988, No.2, 48p.
誌名: 京都大学経済学部Working Paper
号: 2
抄録: This paper investigates manufacturer-supplier relationships in Japan based on field research on two major industries. I show first that various modes of relations exist and that longstanding relations are more densely distributed where customized parts are transacted. Then I show that this phenomenon is to be ascribed to ratings exercised by the purchasing firm on some skill accumulated by each supplier. I construct the concept of multidimensional relation-specific skill accumulated by each supplier through learning and technological investments, and relate this concept to Aoki's work on relational quasi-rent and Williamson's scheme to classify transactions.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/37899
出現コレクション:Working Paper (外国語論文)


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