


検索結果表示: 1-10 / 454.
Faulting process of the San Fernando earthquake of February 9, 1971 inferred from static and dynamic near-field displacements
  Mikumo, Takeshi (1973-02)
  Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 63(1): 249-269
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Dynamical rupture process on a three-dimensional fault with non-uniform frictions, and near-field seismic waves
  Mikumo, Takeshi; Miyatake, Takashi (1978-08)
  Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 54(2): 417-438
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Earthquake sequences on a frictional fault model with non-uniform strengths and relaxation times
  Mikumo, Takeshi; Miyatake, Takashi (1979-12)
  Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 59(3): 497-522
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Tectonic implications of subcrustal, normal faulting earthquakes in the western Shikoku region, Japan
  Shiono, Kiyoji; Mikumo, Takeshi (1975)
  Journal of Physics of Earth, 23(3): 257-278
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Source process of deep and intermediate earthquakes as inferred from long-period P and S waveforms, 2. Deep-focus and intermediate-depth earthquakes around Japan
  Mikumo, Takeshi (1971)
  Journal of Physics of Earth, 19(4): 303-320
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Inferences of a layered structure from S wave spectra -Part 3. SH and SV waves and some related problems
  Mikumo, Takeshi; Kurita, Tuneto (1971)
  Journal of Physics of Earth, 19(3): 243-257
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Possibility of temporal variations in earth tidal strain amplitudes associated with major earthquakes,
  Mikumo, Takeshi; Kato, Masaaki; Doi, Hikaru; Wada, Yasuo; Tanaka, Torao; Shichi, Ryuichi; Yamamoto, Akihiko (1977)
  Journal of Physics of Earth, 25(Supplement): s123-s136
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Source process of deep and intermediate earthquakes as inferred from long-period P and S waveforms, 1. Intermediate-depth earthquakes in the southwest Pacific region
  Mikumo, Takeshi (1971)
  Journal of Physics of Earth, 19(1): 1-19
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A search into the faulting mechanism of the 1891 great Nobi earthquake
  Mikumo, Takeshi; Ando, Masataka (1976)
  Journal of Physics of Earth, 24(1): 63-87
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Some considerations on the faulting mechanism of the southeastern Akita earthquake of October 16, 1970
  Mikumo, Takeshi (1974)
  Journal of Physics of Earth, 22(1): 87-108
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