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タイトル: Studies on the electrochemical properties of copolymers of maleic acid, V : viscometric behaviors
著者: Monobe, Kazuo
著者名の別形: モノベ, カズオ
発行日: Aug-1961
出版者: The Physico-Chemical Society of Japan
誌名: The Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan
巻: 31
号: 1
開始ページ: 50
終了ページ: 60
抄録: The viscosities of the maleic acid copolymers with styrene and vinyl acetate, which show electrochemically typical polydibasic characteristics, were studied mainly in aqueous medium and partly in acetone-water (1 : 1) mixture. The viscosity change due to the change in degree of neutralization at a given concentration reflected the polydibasic characteristics. The reduced viscosity as a function of concentration at a given degree of neutralization was studied at 25℃. Some data fitted Fuoss's equation for strong polyelectrolytes and some other did not fit. A general emipirical equation, ηsp/C=A/1-BC^π+D, was proposed for the viscometric data which did not fit Fuoss's equation. The values obtained for n in the above equation were constant at a given degree of neutralization and for a given polymer, and all were intermediate between one-half and one. The significance of n was discussed and the meanings of A and D in the above equation were also examined.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/46813
出現コレクション:Vol.31 No.1


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