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タイトル: Kinetic study of the intermediate in the reaction between picryl chloride and sodium sulphite in aqueous solution
著者: Sasaki, Muneo
著者名の別形: ササキ, ムネオ
発行日: 20-Nov-1975
出版者: The Physico-Chemical Society of Japan
誌名: The Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan
巻: 45
号: 1
開始ページ: 45
終了ページ: 52
抄録: The reaction between picryl chloride and sulphite ion in aqueous solution takes place rapidly to give an intense color which is attributed to a 1, 3-σ-complex formed by the reversible attack of a sulphite ion on the C_3-position of picryl chloride. The color slowly fades because picryl chloride present at equilibrium is attacked by sulphite ion to give 1, 1-σ-complex which rapidly loses chloride ion to form picryl sulphonate ion finally. The 1, 3-σ-complex dissociates to maintain equilibrium. The rates of appearance and disappearance of the transient colored species were measured in the range of 15-35℃ by the stopped-flow method. The rate constants at 25℃, activation enthalpies and activation entropies an each process are shown in Table 2 in the text. The 1, 3-σ-complex was verified by NMR spectrum in DMSO-H_2O solution. The formation of the 1, 1-σ-complex was inferred from the nature of the final products. It may be concluded that the sulphite attacks on C_1-position and C_3-position take place concurrently and the former may be accompanied with higher energy barrier.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/47012
出現コレクション:Vol.45 No.1


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