


検索結果表示: 1-5 / 5.
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Attribution analyses of impacts of environmental changes on streamflow and sediment load in a Mountainous basin, Vietnam
  Wang, Jie; Ishidaira, Hiroshi; Ning, Shaowei; Khujanazarov, Timur; Yin, Guiping; Guo, Lijuan (2016-01-29)
  Forests, 7(2)
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Quantifying the changes in the runoff and its components across the Upper Indus River Basin under climate change
  Baig, Sohaib; Sayama, Takahiro; Yamada, Masafumi (2022-09-01)
  Journal of Water and Climate Change, 13(9): 3416-3434
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RCP8.5-Based Future Flood Hazard Analysis for the Lower Mekong River Basin
  Perera, Edangodage; Sayama, Takahiro; Magome, Jun; Hasegawa, Akira; Iwami, Yoichi (2017-11-23)
  Hydrology, 4(4)
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Simulation-Based Exceedance Probability Curves to Assess the Economic Impact of Storm Surge Inundations due to Climate Change: A Case Study in Ise Bay, Japan
  Jiang, Xinyu; Mori, Nobuhito; Tatano, Hirokazu; Yang, Lijiao (2019-02)
  Sustainability, 11(4)
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Hydrological modeling of the astore river basin, pakistan, by integrating snow and glacier melt processes and climate scenarios
  Baig, Sohaib; Sayama, Takahiro; Takara, Kaoru (2021-12)
  Journal of Disaster Research, 16(8): 1197-1206
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