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Spin-Triplet Superconductivity Induced by Ferromagnetic Fluctuations in UCoGe
  Hattori, Taisuke (2014-03-24)
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Theoretical investigations for the charge-ordered and superconducting phase transitions of the TMTTF systems
  Kitamura, Naoki (2022-09-26)
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Antiperovskite Oxide Sr3-xSnO: Discovery of Superconductivity and Its Evolution with Deficiency
  Oudah, Mohamed (2018-03-26)
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Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 micro-rings
  Yasui, Yuuki (2019-03-25)
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Experimental Study of Organic Triangular Lattice Quantum Spin Liquids
  Tomeno, Shinya (2020-07-27)
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Controlling unconventional superconductivity in artificially engineered heavy-fermion superlattices
  Naritsuka, Masahiro (2020-03-23)
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Edelstein effect and diode effect in noncentrosymmetric superconductors
  Ikeda, Yuhei (2023-03-23)
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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study on Multiple Superconducting Phases in UTe₂
  Kinjo, Katsuki (2023-03-23)
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