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タイトル: Chemical Diffusion in the Iridium-Rich A1 and L12 Phases in the Ir-Nb System
著者: Numakura, Hiroshi
Watanabe, Tatsuru
Uchida, Makoto
Yamabe-Mitarai, Yoko
Bannai, Eisuke
著者名の別形: 沼倉, 宏
発行日: 2006
出版者: Springer Boston
誌名: Journal of phase equilibria and diffusion
巻: 27
号: 6
開始ページ: 638
終了ページ: 643
抄録: The diffusion in iridium-rich Ir-Nb alloys has been studied by single-phase interdiffusion experiments. The chemical diffusion coefficient has been measured for the primary fcc solidsolution and the L12 ordered compound Ir3Nb in the temperature range between 1650 and 1950 °C, using Ir/Ir-8Nb and Ir-26Nb/Ir-28Nb diffusion couples, respectively (numbers indicate mol%). While the chemical diffusion coefficient in the solid-solution phase is close to the tracer self-diffusion coefficient of pure iridium, the diffusion in the compound phase is extremely slow: the chemical diffusion coefficient is 1⁄40 to 1⁄50 of that in the solid solution. The low diffusion rate in the compound must be beneficial for high-temperature performance of refractory superalloys based on the Ir-Nb system.
著作権等: ©ASM International
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/48904
DOI(出版社版): 10.1361/1054770306X153666


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