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タイトル: 固定化ウリカーゼを利用した血清尿酸の自動螢光測定法の研究
その他のタイトル: <Originals> Fluorometric Determination of Serum Uric Acid Using Immobilized Uricase
著者: 池本, 正生  KAKEN_name
田畑, 勝好  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Ikemoto, Masaki
Tabata, Masayoshi
発行日: 1984
出版者: 京都大学医療技術短期大学部
誌名: 京都大学医療技術短期大学部紀要
巻: 4
開始ページ: 15
終了ページ: 25
抄録: We propose a novel method for the continuous-flow analysis of uric acid in serum using immobilized uricase in the column phase combined with fluorescence detection. The method is based on the determination of fluorescence formed by homovanillic acid and hydrogen peroxide which is produced by the action of uricase on uric acid. The ratio of the dialysis rate of uric acid in serum to that in uric acid standard solution and the fluorescence intensity produced by the action of peroxidase depended on the kind of buffers used. When bistris propane buffer was used, the dialysis rate of uric acid in serum corresponded to that in uric acid standard solution, and, furthermore, the high fluorescence intensity was obtained. The present method was found to give perfect linearity up to 15.0 mg uric acid/dl with satisfactory precision, reproducibility, sensitivity and recoveries, and the results were well correlated with those obtained by the uricase-catalase colorimetric method.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/49285


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