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タイトル: 家族の機能と家族看護に求められるもの --教育期の家族を中心として--
その他のタイトル: <Originals> Family Functions and Seeking For family Nursing --The Focus on Family Nursing with School-age Children--
著者: 豊田, 久美子  KAKEN_name
池田, 泉  KAKEN_name
上野, 伸子  KAKEN_name
河端, 典子  KAKEN_name
高槻, 朋子  KAKEN_name
白藤, 愛  KAKEN_name
夏原, みゆき  KAKEN_name
三木, 葉子  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Toyoda, Kumiko
Ikeda, Izumi
Ueno, Nobuko
Kobata, Noriko
Takatsuki, Tomoko
Hakuto, Ai
Natsuhara, Miyuki
Miki, Yoko
発行日: 1995
出版者: 京都大学医療技術短期大学部
誌名: 京都大学医療技術短期大学部紀要
巻: 15
開始ページ: 73
終了ページ: 79
抄録: It is said that one of the objectives of family nursing is achievment of sound family functions. The modern-day family, however, has undergone a big change in its functions as seen in the expression "from system to fraternity". The purpose of this study was to grasp present family fuctions and ideal family functions and to clarify how family nursing should be to meet the needs. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 97 families with school-age children. It was found that family functions strongly tend to seek emotin and health care functions, and that "anxiety about the patient" and "difficulties of the family" exist and mental support to the family, adequate care for the patient, etc. are sought after in the case of occurrence of patients in the family.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/49401


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