



検索結果表示: 1-8 / 8.
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A novel method for inference of chemical compounds of cycle index two with desired properties based on artificial neural networks and integer programming
  Zhu, Jianshen; Wang, Chenxi; Shurbevski, Aleksandar; Nagamochi, Hiroshi; Akutsu, Tatsuya (2020-05)
  Algorithms, 13(5)
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MSNet-4mC: Learning effective multi-scale representations for identifying DNA N4-methylcytosine sites
  Liu, Chunting; Song, Jiangning; Ogata, Hiroyuki; Akutsu, Tatsuya (2022-12-01)
  Bioinformatics, 38(23): 5160-5167
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Extracting boolean and probabilistic rules from trained neural networks
  Liu, Pengyu; Melkman, Avraham A.; Akutsu, Tatsuya (2020-06)
  Neural Networks, 126: 300-311
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Weighted minimum feedback vertex sets and implementation in human cancer genes detection
  Li, Ruiming; Lin, Chun-Yu; Guo, Weifeng; Akutsu, Tatsuya (2021)
  BMC Bioinformatics, 22
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Identification of periodic attractors in Boolean networks using a priori information
  Münzner, Ulrike; Mori, Tomoya; Krantz, Marcus; Klipp, Edda; Akutsu, Tatsuya (2022-01)
  PLOS Computational Biology, 18(1)
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A novel graph convolutional neural network for predicting interaction sites on protein kinase inhibitors in phosphorylation
  Wang, Feiqi; Chen, Yun-Ti; Yang, Jinn-Moon; Akutsu, Tatsuya (2022)
  Scientific Reports, 12
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Attractor detection and enumeration algorithms for Boolean networks
  Mori, Tomoya; Akutsu, Tatsuya (2022-05)
  Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 20: 2512-2520
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ReCGBM: a gradient boosting-based method for predicting human dicer cleavage sites
  Liu, Pengyu; Song, Jiangning; Lin, Chun-Yu; Akutsu, Tatsuya (2021)
  BMC Bioinformatics, 22
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