


検索結果表示: 1-7 / 7.
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Fluid flow and sperm guidance: a simulation study of hydrodynamic sperm rheotaxis.
  Ishimoto, Kenta; Gaffney, Eamonn A (2015-04-15)
  Interface, 12(106)
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Control and controllability of microswimmers by a shearing flow
  Moreau, Clément; Ishimoto, Kenta; Gaffney, Eamonn A.; Walker, Benjamin J. (2021-08)
  Royal Society Open Science, 8(8)
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A Coordinate-Based Proof of the Scallop Theorem
  Ishimoto, Kenta; Yamada, Michio (2012-10)
  SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 72(5): 1686-1694
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Bacterial spinning top
  Ishimoto, Kenta (2019-12-10)
  Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 880: 620-652
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Computer-assisted beat-pattern analysis and the flagellar waveforms of bovine spermatozoa
  Walker, Benjamin J.; Phuyal, Shiva; Ishimoto, Kenta; Tung, Chih-Kuan; Gaffney, Eamonn A. (2020-06)
  Royal Society Open Science, 7(6)
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Helicoidal particles and swimmers in a flow at low Reynolds number
  Ishimoto, Kenta (2020-6-10)
  Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 892
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Self-organized swimming with odd elasticity
  Ishimoto, Kenta; Moreau, Clément; Yasuda, Kento (2022-06)
  Physical Review E, 105(6)
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