


検索結果表示: 691-700 / 794.
Crystal Orientation of Poly(l-Lactic Acid) Induced by Magnetic Alignment of a Nucleating Agent
  Kusumi, Ryosuke; Teranishi, Sachi; Kimura, Fumiko; Wada, Masahisa; Kimura, Tsunehisa; Horikawa, Yoshiki; Kawai, Takahiko (2018-06)
  Polymers, 10(6)
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Three Distinct Types of Microautophagy Based on Membrane Dynamics and Molecular Machineries
  Oku, Masahide; Sakai, Yasuyoshi (2018-06)
  BioEssays, 40(6)
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<研究ノート>上北パイロット・ファーム入植者の戦後経験 --青森県東北町・六ヶ所村における現地聞き取り調査から--
  足立, 芳宏 (2019-03-25)
  生物資源経済研究, 24: 19-64
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  生物資源経済研究, 24
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<Paper>Sustainable Rural Livelihoods to Analyse Family Farming Dynamics: A Comparative Perspective
  BOSC, Pierre-Marie; SOURISSEAU, Jean-Michel (2019-03-25)
  The Natural Resource Economics Review, special: 35-49
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<Paper>Diversification and Survival Conditions of Family-run Farming in Japanese Context
  NIIYAMA, Yoko (2019-03-25)
  The Natural Resource Economics Review, special: 13-33
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<Working Paper>Family-run Farming in Germany: Structural Change and Policies to Support Small Farms
  HOLST, Carsten (2019-03-25)
  The Natural Resource Economics Review, special: 5-11
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Vertical Coordination Design between Farmers and Marketing Cooperative in China: Famers' Participation in a Cooperative
  ASAMI, Atsuyuki (2019-03-25)
  生物資源経済研究, 24: 1-18
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<Working Paper>How to View Changes in Family-run Farming
  NIIYAMA, Yoko (2019-03-25)
  The Natural Resource Economics Review, special: 51-57
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<Summary>Family Farms in France: Between Changes and Permanency
  GASSELIN, Pierre (2019-03-25)
  The Natural Resource Economics Review, special: 1-4
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