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タイトル: <Original>Static Tensile Strength of Wood Butt Joints with Metal Plate Connectors : Effects of Plate Geometry and Specific Gravity of Wood
著者: HAYASHI, Tomoyuki
SASAKI, Hikaru
発行日: 15-Mar-1982
出版者: Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University
誌名: Wood research : bulletin of the Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
巻: 68
開始ページ: 22
終了ページ: 36
抄録: In order to obtain basic design data of wood butt joints with metal plate connectors, static tensile tests were made on the joints connected with sixteen types of plate. Two types of failure mode of joints were observed. In the case when joints failed in withdrawal of the teeth, a linear relationship between ultimate load of joints and specific gravity of wood existed, and strength per tooth increased by about 12 kg with increasing specific gravity by 0.1. In the case when joints failed in tension at the middle of the plate, ultimate load of joints did not depend on the specific gravity of wood but on tensile strength of the plate connector, and strength per tooth decreased with increasing the number of row of the teeth. Transition of these two types of failure mode was found on six rows type of the plate; withdrawal of teeth was observed when the number of row was less than six.
記述: この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/53343


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