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Results 1-10 of 41 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
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<現地通信>ドンキレク : 南タイの回教部落
  矢野, 暢 (1965-03)
  東南アジア研究, 2(4): 106-110
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<Book Review>Louis Barron (ed.) Asia & Australasia. in the Series of Moshe Y. Sachs (ed. & pub.) Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations. New York : Worldmark Press, Inc., Harper & Row, 1965,viii+392p
  矢野, 暢 (1966-06)
  東南アジア研究, 4(1): 172-173
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<Book Review>Robert E. Ward et al, Studying Politics Abroad-Field Research in the Developing Areas, Boston : Little, Brown and Company, 1964,viii+245p
  矢野, 暢 (1966-06)
  東南アジア研究, 4(1): 173-174
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<Book Review>Thawi Mukthorakosa, Phramaha Thiraratchachao, Bangkok : Phrae Phitthaya, 1963,ix+844p
  矢野, 暢 (1966-06)
  東南アジア研究, 4(1): 176-177
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<Book review>William J. Siffin, The Thai Bureaucracy-Institutional Change and Development, Honolulu : East-West Center Press, 1966,x+291p
  矢野, 暢 (1967-09)
  東南アジア研究, 5(2): 430-430
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  矢野, 暢 (1967-12)
  東南アジア研究, 5(3): 644-648
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<Book Review>Manning Nash, The Golden Road to Modernity, Village Life in Contemporary Burma, New York : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1965,viii+333p
  矢野, 暢 (1967-03)
  東南アジア研究, 4(5): 1024-1025
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<Book Review>Donald Eugene Smith, Religion and Politics in Burma, Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1965,xiii+350p
  矢野, 暢 (1967-03)
  東南アジア研究, 4(5): 1025-1026
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<論文>南タイの土地所有 : タイ・イスラム村落におけるケース・スタディ
  矢野, 暢 (1967-03)
  東南アジア研究, 4(5): 804-833
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  矢野, 暢 (1987-12)
  東南アジア研究, 25(3): 430-446
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