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タイトル: ネットワーク、アイデンティティと華人研究 : 20世紀の東アジア地域秩序を再検討する(<特集>東南アジアを超えて : 華僑・華人史研究のフロンティア)
その他のタイトル: Network, Identity, and Ethnic Chinese Studies : Towards a Re-examination of Regional Orders in 20th Century East Asia(<Special Issue>Beyond Southeast Asia : New Perspectives on Overseas Chinese Studies through Historiographical Reflection)
著者: 劉, 宏  KAKEN_name
廖, 赤陽  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Liu, Hong
Liao, Chiyang
キーワード: 東アジア
East Asia
Chinese diaspora
発行日: 31-Mar-2006
出版者: 京都大学東南アジア研究所
誌名: 東南アジア研究
巻: 43
号: 4
開始ページ: 346
終了ページ: 373
抄録: This article is concerned with changing approaches to understanding and conceptualizing some of thecentral themes confronting the study of East Asia and the Chinese diaspora. Making extensive referencesto the relevant works in Chinese, Japanese, and English and subjecting their findings to both spatial linkageand horizontal contextualization, the authors argue that the study of East Asia and the Chinese overseasshould be taken beyond a rigid nation-state framework and that greater attention be directed to theimportant role of network and its interactions with the state and market in the transnational arena. Afteridentifying a "revisionist turn" in the recent literature dealing with Asian Chinese business/social networksand discussing its shortfalls, the authors contend that four key issues should be critically tackled inan effort to construct a post-revisionist synthesis: the historicity, spatiality, institutionalization, and limitationsof networks. The complex patterns of interplay between region, network, and ethnicity constitute asignificant dynamic in the evolution of East Asia and Overseas Chinese societies in the 20th century andbeyond.
記述: この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/53834
出現コレクション:Vol.43 No.4


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