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タイトル: 農業経営の共同化の多様化と形成の論理に関する考察 : 情報的資源の調達機能を視点として
その他のタイトル: Research on Diversification and Formation of the Cooperation of Farm Management : From a View Point of Function to Supply Invisible Resources
著者: 伊庭, 治彦  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Iba, Haruhiko
発行日: 25-Dec-2000
出版者: 京都大学大学院農学研究科生物資源経済学専攻
誌名: 京都大学生物資源経済研究
巻: 6
開始ページ: 115
終了ページ: 130
抄録: The form of the cooperation of farm management diversifies with the environment surrounding agriculture becomes severe. In other words, it is necessary to look for new economy in addition to pursuing scale of economy by conforming to the environment. It is more important to conform to the different condition; i.e. place of production, market, crops and consumer demand. For supporting farm management, research on diversification and formation of the cooperation of farm management is very useful. The main objectives of this paper is to study what kind of organization structure is suitable for supplying the resources like information efficiently. The construction of this paper is as follows: In the first chapter, the author's recognition of present cooperation of farm management are shown. In the second chapter, objectives of this research are shown. In the third chapter, the diversification of the cooperation is put in order theoretically. In the fourth chapter, an analysis is done targeting three cooperation of vegetable farm at southern part of Kyoto Prefecture based on the theoretical model built in the third chapter. The last chapter is a summary. The conclusions of this paper are three points: In the first place, the cooperation of farm management must be evaluated in the supply function of the resources like the information to decrease sales risk in the market. Secondly, diversification of the cooperation is caused by the efficiency of supplying resources like information. Finally, function of farm cooperation is looking for new economy by creating common information.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/54275


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