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タイトル: 仲卸業者の経営規模と定数の適正化に関する検討 : K市中央卸売市場を事例として
その他のタイトル: An Investigation of the Appropriate Size and the Number of Jobbers : a case of K city central wholesale market
著者: 藤谷, 築次  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Fujitani, Chikuji
発行日: 20-Mar-1994
出版者: 京都大学農学部農業簿記研究施設
誌名: 農業計算学研究
巻: 26
開始ページ: 79
終了ページ: 85
抄録: The quality and efficiency in the marketing function of the central wholesale market are determined by the management size of the jobbers. Currently, the size is evaluated to be too small, and it is considered to be caused by the fact that the number of the jobbers in a central market is determined to be too many by the establisher of the market. In this paper, nine important financial analysis indicators representing profitability, healthiness and productivity of the jobbers by size in K central market are selected. These indicators are then integrated by size of the jobbers and the optimum size of the jobbers is estimated. Based on this estimation the optimum number of the jobbers is sought as an experimental investigation.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/54588


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