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タイトル: 雲南タイ族における植物文化 : 西双版納の村から(<特集>雲南およびその周辺)
その他のタイトル: A Study of Ethnobotanical Culture : The Case of Tai People in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan(<Special Issue>Yunnan and Its Surroundings)
著者: 郭, 艶春  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Guo, Yanchun
発行日: Dec-1997
出版者: 京都大学東南アジア研究センター
誌名: 東南アジア研究
巻: 35
号: 3
開始ページ: 489
終了ページ: 510
抄録: In Yunna, Xishuangbanna has tropical forest as its main form of vegetation as 95% of the land is mountainous with only 5% comprising basins. There are 13 ethnic groups co-residing there. In the long history of ecological adaptation, these ethnic groups transformed the environment and created a great variety of botanical "cultures." This paper focuses on the Tai ethnic group living in the basins, and explicates the realities of Tai ethnobotanical culture based on field work. The realities and techniques of Tai ethnobotanical culture can be summarized as follows : First, how Tai people utilize trees, bamboos and rattans as timber. Here special attention is paid to the techniques in prevention against putrefaction and insects. Moreover, the other common uses of bamboos and rattans are also considered. Secondly, classification of plants is considered. Tai people classify plants based on shape and utility. According to this system, all kinds of plants receive a name. This folk classification is handed down from generation to generation. The third variant is the spice plants and woody vegetables, which are used in Tai food. The common spice plants are arranged into 5types based upon the useful part of a plant, which include the rootstock, bark, leaves, flowers and fruits. All spice plants discussed here are considered for their ecological properties and uses. While, the woody vegetables are arranged into 4 types based on young leaves (includes shoots), flowers (includes buds), pith and fruit, and their cooking is also discussed. The fourth factor concerns the cultivation of timber trees, spice plants and woody vegetables. Tai people cultivate plants because they want to use them primarily as a permanent resource. The fifth factor concerns the plants which are connected with the Tai people's religion (Buddhism). These particular plants are protected by the villagers. On the other hand, the plants also furnish a good natural environment for the villagers. In conclusion, the study throws new light upon the cultural-ecological realities of Tai ethnobotanical culture. The realities show that Tai people use particular plants after learning the characteristics of these plants and their growing conditions. Key plant system supports the basis of the villager's livelihood. Furthermore, the cultivation and protection of wild plants are bound up with the idea of using the plants indefinitely. In a word. Tai people have a sound understanding of their natural environment and/or a deep respect for it.
記述: この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/56645
出現コレクション:Vol.35 No.3


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