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タイトル: Association of a 66 kDa homolog of Chlamydomonas DC2, a subunit of the outer arm docking complex, with outer arm dynein of sperm flagella in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis
著者: Ushimaru, Yuji
Konno, Aru
Kaizu, Maiko
Ogawa, Kazuo
Satoh, Nori
Inaba, Kazuo
著者名の別形: 佐藤, 矩行
キーワード: dynein
sperm motility
発行日: Aug-2006
出版者: Zoological Society of Japan
誌名: Zoological Science
巻: 23
号: 8
開始ページ: 679
終了ページ: 687
抄録: We previously identified a 66 kDa axonernal protein (Ci-Axp66.0) in sperm of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. Here we found that Ci-Axp66.0 shows sequence similarity to the DC2 subunit of the Chiamydomonas outer arm docking complex. Analysis of secondary structure of Ci-Axp66.0 suggested that the N-terminal two-thirds of the molecule is rich in coiled coil structure, as in Chiamydomonas DC2. Immunogold localization revealed that it is located in the vicinity of outer arm dynein. Ci-Axp66.0 was partly extracted from the axonemes by a high salt solution and co-purified with outer arm dynein. This co-purification was not affected by the absence of Mg2l in isolation buffer, indicating that Ci-Axp66.0 is associated with outer arm dynein. These results suggest that Ci-Axp66.0 is a component of the outer arm dynein docking complex in the axonemes of Ciona sperm.
著作権等: (c) 日本動物学会 / Zoological Society of Japan
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/57190
DOI(出版社版): 10.2108/zsj.23.679
出現コレクション:Zoological Science


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