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タイトル: An integrated database of the ascidian, Ciona intestinalis: Towards functional genomics
著者: Satou, Yutaka  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5193-0708 (unconfirmed)
Kawashima, Takeshi
Shoguchi, Eiichi
Nakayama, Akie
Satoh, Nori
著者名の別形: 佐藤, 矩行
佐藤, ゆたか
川島, 武士
キーワード: Ciona intestinalis
expressed sequence tag (EST)
integrated database
発行日: Aug-2005
出版者: Zoological Society of Japan
誌名: Zoological Science
巻: 22
号: 8
開始ページ: 837
終了ページ: 843
抄録: An integrated genome database is essential for future studies of functional genomics. In this study, we update cDNA and genomic resources of the ascidian, Ciona intestinalis, and provide an integrated database of the genomic and cDNA data by extending a database published previously. The updated resources include over 190,000 ESTs (672,396 in total together with the previous ESTs) and over 1,000 full-insert sequences (6,773 in total). In addition, results of mapping information of the determined scaffolds onto chromosomes, ESTs from a full-length enriched cDNA library for indication of precise 5'-ends of genes, and comparisons of SNPs and indels among different individuals are integrated into this database, all of these results being reported recently. These advances continue to increase the utility of Ciona intestinalis as a model organism whilst the integrated database will be useful for researchers in comparative and evolutionary genomics.
著作権等: (c) 日本動物学会 / Zoological Society of Japan
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/57197
DOI(出版社版): 10.2108/zsj.22.837
出現コレクション:Zoological Science


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