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Title: Hynobius-takedai (Amphibia, Urodela), a new species of salamander from Japan
Authors: Matsui, Masafumi
Miyazaki, Kouji
Author's alias: 松井, 正文
Issue Date: 1984
Publisher: Zoological Society of Japan
Journal title: Zoological Science
Volume: 1
Issue: 4
Start page: 665
End page: 671
Abstract: A new species of salamander, Hynobius takedai, is described from the lowland of Ishikawa Prefecture, on the Japan Sea side of the Chubu District, Central Japan. It belongs to the lichenatus group of Hynobius, and is characterized by the intermediate adult morphology between H. lichenatus and H. abei, large clutch size, absence of striations on the egg sac envelope, and unique electrophoretic pattern of serum proteins. The new species is considered most closely related to H. lichenatus of northeastern Japan.
Rights: (c) 日本動物学会 / Zoological Society of Japan
Appears in Collections:Zoological Science

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