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Title: Variation in Coded Morphological Characters in the Japanese Common Toad from Momoyama, Kyoto, Japan
Authors: Matsui, Masafumi
Author's alias: 松井, 正文
Issue Date: 1985
Publisher: Zoological Society of Japan
Journal title: Zoological Science
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Start page: 95
End page: 103
Abstract: Variation in 30 attribute characters was analyzed in the Japanese common toad, Bufo japonicus japonicus, from Momoyama, Kyoto, Japan. Extremely small, metamorphosed young quickly changed their morphology until they grew to be ca. 33 mm in SVL. Larger young showed no sexual dimorphism. Sexual maturity caused greater morphological divergence in males than in females, and adult males were distinct from the remaining sex/age groups in many characters, especially in wart characters. It is suggested that extremely small young, larger young, adult males, and adult females should be treated separately in analyses of coded morphological characters for taxonomic purposes.
Rights: (c) 日本動物学会 / Zoological Society of Japan
Appears in Collections:Zoological Science

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