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Title: Arranging Functional Quarternary Structures of DNA Binding Peptides (BIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY-Bioactive Chemistry)
Authors: Morii, Takashi
Aizawa, Yasunori
Sugiura, Yukio
Keywords: Molecular recognition
Host-guest complex
Leucine zipper protein
Issue Date: Mar-1998
Publisher: Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
Journal title: ICR Annual Report
Volume: 4
Start page: 40
End page: 41
Abstract: Our research seeks to use a combination of synthetic, organic biochemical and molecular biological approaches to study the principle of molecular recognition associated with biological macromolecules. We have focused mainly on the action of transcription factors, especially that of the basic leucine zipper proteins. The model systems described herein have been used to address the issues of protein-protein and protein-DNA recognitions in far greater detail than is possible with the native protein systems.
Appears in Collections:Vol.4 (1997)

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