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Title: Constructing Expression Pattern Database of Ascidian mRNAs (RESEARCH FACILITY OF NUCLEIC ACIDS)
Authors: Kawashima, Shuichi
Keywords: maternal mRNA
Issue Date: Mar-2000
Publisher: Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
Journal title: ICR Annual Report
Volume: 6
Start page: 58
End page: 59
Abstract: MAGEST is a database for ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi, maternal mRNAs that have been newly identified by our cDNA project. We have collected 3' and 5' tag sequences of mRNAs and their expression data from whole mount in situ hybridization in early embryo. To date we determined more than 2, 000 tag-sequences of Halocynthia roretzi cDNAs and deposited in the public databases. The tag sequences and the expression data with additional information can be obtained through MAGEST via the World Wide Web at URL magest/.
Appears in Collections:Vol.6 (1999)

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