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Title: Visualization of Molecular Length of α, ω-Diamines and Temperature by a Receptor Based on Phenolphthalein and Crown Ether (SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMISTRY-Fine Organic Synthesis)
Authors: Fuji, Kaoru
Tsubaki, Kazunori
Tanaka, Kiyoshi
Hayashi, Noriyuki
Otsubo, Tadamune
Kinoshita, Takayoshi
Keywords: Chromgenic receptor
Molecular recognition
Issue Date: Mar-2000
Publisher: Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
Journal title: ICR Annual Report
Volume: 6
Start page: 36
End page: 37
Abstract: The hybrid molecule 1 consisting of phenolphthalein and crown ether moieties can discriminate the chain length of the α, ω-diamines by color change, while 2 can not. Thus, it is suggested that two crown ether part are necessary to visualize the chain length by the color. The pink color faded at 50 °C and reappeared at 20 °C, which could repeated more than 10 times.
Appears in Collections:Vol.6 (1999)

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