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タイトル: 摘句と品第 : 皎然『詩式』の構造
その他のタイトル: Extracted verse and Graded evaluation : The structure of Jiao-ran's "Shi-shi
著者: 永田, 知之  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Nagata, Tomoyuki
発行日: 25-Mar-2008
出版者: 京都大學人文科學研究所
誌名: 東方學報
巻: 82
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 68
抄録: This article aims at investigating the structure of Jiao-ran 皎然's Shi-shi 詩式. The discussion focuses on two methods: first, extracted verse 摘句; second, graded evaluation 品第. Shi-shi can be roughly divided in two parts, namely poetics and illustrations. In the latter part, Jiao-ran classifies about two thousand lines of ancient to contemporary poems into five grades 五格. The critical subject of appraisal in the Shi-shi is not a whole poem but its lines, for this reason the whole of a poem is seldom quoted in this book. Such a strict attitude suggests that Jiao-ran had great confidence in his ability to judge poetry. Witticism 秀句 had been held in esteem throughout the six dynasties. In this era, collections of witticisms 秀句集 as well as anthologies, Wen-xuan 文選 etc., were compiled in considerable numbers. These activities have continued into the early Tang dynasty, which makes it likely that this has influenced the selection of poems in Shi-shi as well. Graded evaluation has been used in many fields in premodern China, for example in the examinations for government employment, in calligraphy and in painting. The system used in the Shi-shi is derived from former critical works, above all Zhong Rong 鍾嶸's Shi-pin 詩品. However, Jiao-ran adds some new features into his consideration. The most remarkable evidences are as follows: 1. The names for grades used in the Shi-shi, such as youshi wushi qingge juxia diwuge 有事無事情格俱下第五格, are longer and more descriptive than the shangpin 上品 (top-grade) and similar grades of the Shi-pin. 2. In the part devoted to poetics, Jiao-ran often takes up and discusses the poems, which are selected in the illustrations. Traditional grade ranking as a method of artistic criticism has been declining from the mid-Tang to the northern Song. This is the background, against Jiao-ran adopts his individual style of appraisal. At the same time, the popularity of simple collections of extracted verse was also declining. Changes in the critical appraisal of poetry can be observed in the rise and fall of these two methods. Specifically, this indicates the transition from shi-ge 詩格 (criticism of poetical syntax) to shi-hua 詩話 (criticism of poetry). In a sense, the characteristic structure of the Shi-shi is a case in point, which underlines and illustrates this development.
DOI: 10.14989/66108
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/66108


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