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Traditional Mechanisms of Conflict Resolution in Modern Africa: The Bodior Ritual and the Enduring Kroumen Versus Lobi-Dagara Conflict in Southern Côte D'ivoire
  BABO, Alfred (2018-06)
  African Study Monographs, 39(2): 83-95
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Bantu and Bakola/Bagyelli of Southwestern Cameroon: A Permanent Conflictual Cohabitation
  NGIMA MAWOUNG, Godefroy (2016-03)
  African Study Monographs, 37(1): 45-54
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On "Autochthon" and "Allochthon" Divide: Ethnic Stereotypes and Social Conflict in Cameroon
  SOCPA, Antoine (2016-03)
  African Study Monographs, 37(1): 17-28
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