



検索結果表示: 1-7 / 7.
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Fossiliferous Localities of the Nachola-Samburu Hills Area, Northern Kenya
  PICKFORD, Martin; ISHIDA, Hidemi; NAKANO, Yoshihiko; NAKAYA, Hideo (1984-03)
  African Study Monographs. Supplementary Issue, 2: 45-56
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The Late Miocene Large Mammal Fauna from the Namurungule Formation, Samburu Hills, Northern Kenya
  NAKAYA, Hideo; PICKFORD, Martin; NAKANO, Yoshihiko; ISHIDA, Hidemi (1984-03)
  African Study Monographs. Supplementary Issue, 2: 87-131
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The Biostratigraphic Analyses of the Faunas of the Nachola Area and Samburu Hills, Northern Kenya
  PICKFORD, Martin; NAKAYA, Hideo; ISHIDA, Hidemi; NAKANO, Yoshihiko (1984-03)
  African Study Monographs. Supplementary Issue, 2: 67-72
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Fossil Anthropoids from Nachola and Samburu Hills, Samburu District, Kenya
  ISHIDA, Hidemi; PICHFORD, Martin; NAKAYA, Hideo; NAKANO, Yoshihiko (1984-03)
  African Study Monographs. Supplementary Issue, 2: 73-85
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Kenyapithecus Postcranial Specimens from Nachola, Kenya
  ROSE, Micael D.; NAKANO, Yoshihiko; ISHIDA, Hidemi (1996-12)
  African Study Monographs. Supplementary Issue, 24: 3-56
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Excavation at the Fossil-Hominoid-Bearing Locality, Site-SH22 in the Samburu Hills, Northern Kenya
  YASUI, Kinya; NAKANO, Yoshihiko; ISHIDA, Hidemi (1987-03)
  African Study Monographs. Supplementary Issue, 5: 169-174
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Three-Dimensional Morphology of the Sigmoid Notch of the Ulna in Kenyapithecus and Proconsul
  NAKATSUKASA, Masato; SHIMIZU, Daisuke; NAKANO, Yoshihiko; ISHIDA, Hidemi (1996-12)
  African Study Monographs. Supplementary Issue, 24: 57-71
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