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タイトル: 魏晉南朝の遷官制度に關する二三の問題 - 侍中領衞を中心として -
その他のタイトル: Some problems concerning the election system in the Wei, Jin and the Southern Dynasties - Focusing on the shizhong lingwei 侍中領衞 -
著者: 藤井, 律之  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Fujii, Noriyuki
発行日: 10-Mar-2006
出版者: 京都大學人文科學研究所
誌名: 東方學報
巻: 78
開始ページ: 69
終了ページ: 111
抄録: In the Eastern Jin and Southern dynasties, the criteria of omotion were not official ranks 官品 but the cleanness = discreetness 淸濁 of office. Therefore, sometimes bureaucrats were promoted by concurrent posts. In this paper I examine how the positions of the bureaucrats change by holding posts concurrently, focusing on the cases of shizhong 侍中 (Palace Attendants) who were also neihao jiangjun 内號將軍 (Generals of Palace Guards, also called xisheng 西省) concurrently. A typical example is the shizhong lingwei 侍中領衞 which refers to a shizhong who was also a zuoyouwei jiangjun 左右衞將軍 (Left and Right Guard) The bureaucrats of the Southern Dynasties were promoted as follows: 侍中→列曹尙書→吏部尙書, 中領軍・中護軍→尙書僕射, 領軍・護軍將軍→尙書令. Parallel to this route, variations of shizhong and neihao jiangjun were ordered as follows: 侍中→侍中領五校尉→侍中領前軍・後軍・左軍・右軍將軍→侍中領驍騎・游擊將軍→侍中領左右衞將軍(→尙書令). Without shizhong lin zuoyouwei jiangjun 侍中領左右衞將軍, these variations of shizhong were off-duty and only functional as the status of bureaucrats because bureaucrats were often nominated to these posts when they were sick. The reasons why variations of shizhong and neihao jiangjun were ordered are as follows: 1. The shizhonglinwei was highly estimated because, from the end of the Eastern Jin to the beginning of Song dynasty, those who nominated to the shizhong lingwei often controlled the political situation. 2. Shizhong was regarded as a very desirable position, so bureaucrats wanted to be shizhong even against the promotion route. Therefore, those who were nominated to shizhong rank held neihao jiangjun ranks concurrently as a promotion and finally variations of shizhong were ordered to the ranking which led to shizhong lingwei. 3. The sanqi changshi 散騎常侍 (Regular Mounted Attendant without specified appointments/Cavalier Attendant-in-ordinary) was tossed around as a concurrent position from Wei and Jin dynasty. The neihao jiangjun was a good replacement for sanqi changshi to the authorities which wanted to quit tossing.
DOI: 10.14989/66895
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/66895


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