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Title: Seed Dispersal by Chimpanzees: Supplementary Note 1
Authors: TAKASAKI, Hiroyuki
UEHARA, Shigeo
Issue Date: Dec-1984
Publisher: The Research Committee for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
Journal title: African Study Monographs
Volume: 5
Start page: 91
End page: 92
Abstract: Six species of fruit (Saba florida/Ladolphia owariensis, Garcinia huillensis, Azanza garckeana, Parkia filicoidea, Zanha golungensis, and Strychnos innocua) seeds collected from chimpanzee feces were tested for germinability in the Mahale Mts., western Tanzania. Among the seeds tested, there were viable ones from all 6 species. This indicates, together with the previous study, that virtually all fruit species whose seeds are commonly seen in chimpanzee feces between September and November in Mahale are effectively disseminated by chimpanzees.
DOI: 10.14989/68003
Appears in Collections:Vol.5

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