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Title: Antivenomous Plants Used in the Zairean Pharmacopoeia
Authors: CHIFUNDERA, Kusamba
Issue Date: Mar-1987
Publisher: The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
Journal title: African Study Monographs
Volume: 7
Start page: 21
End page: 35
Abstract: Ethnobotanical inquiries were made in Zaire to collect plants traditionally used for treatment of envenomations. As a result, a checklist of 109 antivenomous plants is presented with their scientific and vernacular names, the locality and the directions for use for each plant. The Zairean antivenomous plants are grouped in three categories: the repulsive, the protective and the curative plants. The part used depends on the structure of the plant. For trees and shrubs, barks and roots are used. Sometimes leaves, fruits and flowers may be collected. For herbaceous plants, the whole plant is used. Drugs (decoction, infusion and maceration) are administrated to the victim orally or externally.
DOI: 10.14989/68021
Appears in Collections:Vol.7

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